Decoding ArgoMoon

ArgoMoon is one of the ten cubesats that were launched in the Artemis I mission. It was built by the Italian private company Argotec, and its main mission was to image the ICPS after the separation of Orion, and while the other cubesats were deployed.

In 2022-11-16, about seven hours after launch, I used two antennas from the Allen Telescope Array to record telemetry from the Orion vehicle and some of the cubesats. Since then, I have been posting regularly as I analyze these recordings and publish the data to Zenodo. In this post I will look at two recordings of the X-band telemetry signal of ArgoMoon at 8475 MHz. In the two recordings, different modulation and data rate is used.

The recordings are available in the dataset Recording of Artemis I ArgoMoon with the Allen Telescope Array on 2022-11-16 in Zenodo.

A note about non-matched pulse filtering

This is a short note about the losses caused by non-matched pulse filtering in the demodulation of a PAM waveform. Recently I’ve needed to come back to these calculations several times, and I’ve found that even though the calculations are simple, sometimes I make silly mistakes on my first try. This post will serve me as a reference in the future to save some time. I have also been slightly surprised when I noticed that if we have two pulse shapes, let’s call them A and B, the losses of demodulating waveform A using pulse shape B are the same as the losses of demodulating waveform B using pulse shape A. I wanted to understand better why this happens.

Recall that if \(p(t)\) denotes the pulse shape of a PAM waveform and \(h(t)\) is a filter function, then in AWGN the SNR at the output of the demodulator is equal to the input SNR (with an appropriate normalization factor) times the factor\[\begin{equation}\tag{1}\frac{\left|\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} p(t) \overline{h(t)}\, dt\right|^2}{\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} |h(t)|^2\, dt}.\end{equation}\]This factor describes the losses caused by filtering. As a consequence of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we see that the output SNR is maximized when a matched filter \(h = p\) is used.

To derive this expression, we assume that we receive the waveform\[y(t) = ap(t) + n(t)\]with \(a \in \mathbb{C}\) and \(n(t)\) a circularly symmetric stationary Gaussian process with covariance \(\mathbb{E}[n(t)\overline{n(s)}] = \delta(t-s)\). The demodulator output is\[T(y) = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} y(t) \overline{h(t)}\, dt.\]The output SNR is defined as \(|\mathbb{E}[T(y)]|^2/V(T(y))\). Since \(\mathbb{E}[n(t)] = 0\) due to the circular symmetry, we have\[\mathbb{E}[T(y)] = a\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} p(t)\overline{h(t)}\,dt.\]Additionally,\[\begin{split}V(T(y)) &= \mathbb{E}[|T(y) – \mathbb{E}[T(y)]|^2] = \mathbb{E}\left[\left|\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} n(t)\overline{h(t)}\,dt\right|^2\right] \\ &= \mathbb{E}\left[\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} n(t)\overline{n(s)}\overline{h(t)}h(s)\,dtds\right] \\ &= \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \mathbb{E}\left[n(t)\overline{n(s)}\right]\overline{h(t)}h(s)\,dtds \\ &= \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} |h(t)|^2\, dt. \end{split}\]Therefore, we see that the output SNR equals\[\frac{|a|^2\left|\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} p(t) \overline{h(t)}\, dt\right|^2}{\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} |h(t)|^2 dt.}.\]

The losses caused by using a non-matched filter \(h\), in comparison to using a matched filter, can be computed as the quotient of the quantity (1) divided by the same quantity where \(h\) is replaced by \(p\). This gives\[\frac{\frac{\left|\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} p(t) \overline{h(t)}\, dt\right|^2}{\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} |h(t)|^2\, dt}}{\frac{\left|\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} |p(t)|^2\, dt\right|^2}{\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} |p(t)|^2\, dt}}=\frac{\left|\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} p(t) \overline{h(t)}\, dt\right|^2}{\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} |p(t)|^2\, dt\cdot \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} |h(t)|^2\, dt}.\]

We notice that this expression is symmetric in \(p\) and \(h\), in the sense that if we interchange \(p\) and \(h\) we obtain the same quantity. This shows that, as I mentioned above, the losses obtained when filtering waveform A with pulse B coincide with the losses obtained when filtering waveform B with pulse A. This is a clear consequence of these calculations, but I haven’t found a way to understand this more intuitively. We can say that the losses are equal to the cosine squared of the angle between the pulse shape vectors in \(L^2(\mathbb{R})\). This remark makes the symmetry clear, but I’m not sure if I’m satisfied by this as an intuitive explanation.

As an example, let us compute the losses caused by receiving a square pulse shape, defined by \(p(t) = 1\) for \(0 \leq t \leq \pi\) and \(p(t) = 0\) elsewhere, with a half-sine pulse shape filter, defined by \(h(t) = \sin t\) for \(0 \leq t \leq \pi\) and \(h(t) = 0\) elsewhere. This case shows up in many different situations. We can compute the losses as indicated above, obtaining\[\frac{\left(\int_0^\pi \sin t \, dt\right)^2}{\int_0^\pi \sin^2t\,dt\cdot \int_0^\pi dt} = \frac{2^2}{\frac{\pi}{2}\cdot\pi}= \frac{8}{\pi^2}\approx -0.91\,\mathrm{dB}.\]


Here is a new post in my Artemis I series. EQUULEUS (called EQUL by the DSN) is one of the ten cubesats launched in the Artemis I mission. It is a 6U spacecraft developed by JAXA and University of Tokio. Its mission is to study the Earth’s plasmasphere and to demonstrate low-thrust trajectories in the Earth-Moon region using its water thrusters. The spacecraft communications are supported mainly by the Japanese Usuada Deep Space Center, but JPL’s Deep Space Network also collaborates.

I did an observation of the Orion vehicle and some of the cubesats with two antennas from the Allen Telescope Array some seven hours after launch. As part of this observation, I made a 10 minute recording of the X-band telemetry signal of EQUULEUS as it was in communications with the DSN station at Goldstone. I have published the recording in the Zenodo dataset Recording of Artemis I EQUULEUS with the Allen Telescope Array on 2022-11-16. In this post, I analyze the recording.

Decoding LunaH-Map

This post is a continuation of my Artemis I series. LunaH-Map, also called Lunar Polar Hydrogen Mapper (and called HMAP by the DSN) is one of the ten cubesats that were launched with Artemis I. It is operated by Arizona State University, and its main mission was to use a scintillation neutron detector to investigate the presence of hydrogen-rich compounds such as water around the lunar south pole. Unfortunately, it was unable to perform its required lunar orbit insertion burn. Nevertheless, the spacecraft seems to be functioning well and some technology demonstrations and tests are being done with its subsystems. With some luck, there might be opportunities for this satellite to move to lunar orbit in the future.

In my observation with the Allen Telescope Array done about seven hours after the Artemis I launch I did some recordings of the LunaH-Map X-band telemetry signal when it was in communications with the DSN grounstation at Goldstone. First I did a 10 minute recording at 15:00 UTC. Then I noticed that the spacecraft had changed its modulation, so I did a second recording at 15:16 UTC, which lasted ~7 minutes. Unfortunately, I didn’t record the moment in which the telemetry change happened.

I have published these two recordings in the dataset Recordings of Artemis I LunaH-Map with the Allen Telescope Array on 2022-11-16 in Zenodo. This post is an analysis of the signals in these recordings.

Artemis I Orion recordings published

In my previous post, I described the observations I had made with the Allen Telescope Array of the Orion vehicle and some of the cubesats of the Artemis I mission following the launch. I showed how to decode the 2 Mbaud OQPSK S-band telemetry signal from Orion using GNU Radio and aff3ct for LDPC decoding. In the post I indicated that I wanted to publish all these recordings in Zenodo, but since I had recorded a large amount of IQ data, I first needed to review the recordings and see what to publish and how to reduce the data.

I have now reviewed the recordings of the Orion 2216.5 MHz signal, and published them in the following datasets:

Additionally, I have published the decoded AOS Space Data Link telemetry frames in the dataset Decoded Artemis I Orion S-band telemetry frames recieved with the Allen Telescope Array on 2022-11-16.

Decoding the Artemis I Orion vehicle

On Wednesday 16th, the Artemis I mission was launched from Kennedy Space Center. This mission is the first (uncrewed) flight of the Orion Multi-Purpuse Crew Vehicle that will be used to return humans to the Moon in the next few years. Together with Orion, ten cubesats with missions to the Moon and beyond were also launched.

Seven hours after launch, I used two spare antennas from the Allen Telescope Array to record RF signals from Orion and some of the cubesats. By that time, the spacecraft were at a distance of 72000 km, increasing to 100000 km during the 3 hours that the observations lasted.

I have collected a lot of data on those observations, around 1.7 TB of IQ recordings. I am going to classify and reduce this data, with the goal of publishing it on Zenodo. Given the large amount of data, this will take some time. I will keep posting in this blog updates on this progress, as well as my results of the analysis of these signals.

Today’s post is about Orion’s S-band main telemetry signal, which is transmitted at 2216.5 MHz. This signal has attracted great interest in the spacecraft tracking community because back in August NASA published an RFI giving the opportunity to ground stations belonging to private companies, research institutions, amateur associations and private individuals to track the S-band signal and provide Doppler data to NASA. Some of the usual contributors of the amateur space tracking community, including Dwingeloo’s CAMRAS (see their results webpage), Scott Chapman K4KDR and Scott Tilley VE7TIL (see his Github repository) are participating in this project.

Shortly after Artemis I launched, Amateur observers in Europe, such as Paul Marsh M0EYT, the Dwingeloo 25m radiotelescope, Ferruccio Andrea IW1DTU, Roland Proesch DF3LZ, were the first to receive the signals. They were then followed by those in America.

Using GSE and DVB-S2 for IP traffic

GSE (Generic Stream Encapsulation) is a protocol used to embed packets of almost any sort into the DVB data link layer. It can be used to send IP (IPv4 and IPv6) packets, Ethernet packets, etc. In my post about Blockstream Satellite, I talked about MPE, which is another way of sending IP traffic inside DVB. However, MPE is based on MPEG TS packets, so it is a far from ideal solution, given the overhead of the TS headers and the relatively small size of TS packets. GSE is a much more lightweight solution, and it’s arguably the best way of sending IP packets inside DVB.

The downside of GSE compared to MPE is that it is not supported by so many devices. Since MPE uses TS packets, it should be supported by mostly any device. The formatting of the TS packets, and thus all of the MPE stack, is handled at the application level. However, GSE is different from a stream of TS packets already the level of BBFRAMEs, so devices that handle this layer need to support GSE.

In this post I show how to set up a DVB-S2 GSE one-way link using the GNU Radio out-of-tree module gr-dvbgse and an SDR for transmission, and a MiniTiouner, Longmynd and some software I’ve written for reception.

The MiniTiouner is a DVB-S2 hardware receiver that is based on a Serit FTS4334 NIM (which uses the STV0910 DVB-S2 demodulator IC) together with a FT2232H that provides a USB2 interface for data and control. It is a very popular device within the Amateur TV community, given its affordable price and large range of supported carrier frequencies, symbol rates, and MODCODs.

The ideas in this post are also applicable to an SDR demodulation approach, which could use gr-dvbs2rx and gr-dvbgse. Using a hardware receiver solution can give some benefits over an SDR receiver, since demodulation and LDPC decoding is computationally expensive, specially at higher symbol rates and in low SNR conditions.

My final goal for this is to do some tests of two-way IP links over the QO-100 WB transponder. I think this would be a rather interesting use of the transponder, since it would open the door to many new ideas. Currently the transponder is used almost exclusively to transmit video, which by all means is good, but not very innovative after the almost 4 years now that the transponder has been in operation.

I have to give huge thanks to Brian Jordan G4EWJ and Evariste Courjard F5OEO for their interest in this project and for running many initial tests that showed that it is possible to use the MiniTiouner to receive GSE (despite the lack of clear and detailed documentation about the STV0910 register settings).


INTEGRAL, the INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory, is a gamma ray space telescope from ESA that was launched in 2002. It is on a highly elliptical Earth orbit, and uses S-band for communications (see this page).

Yesterday, Scott Tilley VE7TIL shared on Twitter a short 30 second recording of the INTEGRAL downlink at 2215 MHz. Since I’ve never had a look at this spacecraft, I decided to try to decode the data. This post is an overview of what I’ve found about the INTEGRAL S-band downlink.

Decoding the BlueWalker 3 S-band downlink

BlueWalker 3 is a satellite built by AST SpaceMobile that was launched in 2022-09-11. It is as a prototype mission that will try to communicate from low Earth orbit with unmodified cellphones on ground using a large 64 m² unfoldable phased array antenna. It has received some criticism because of concerns of the satellite being too bright due to the large antenna (impacting astronomy observations) and potentially causing RF interference to radioastronomy and other services, since the cellular bands it will use are normally used only in terrestrial applications.

It also received criticism when shortly after launch, amateur radio operators noticed that the satellite was transmitting packets on 437.500 MHz, in the UHF amateur satellite band. The mission of this satellite is not compatible with the amateur radio service and it hasn’t received IARU coordination. There were some arguments on Twitter about whether BlueWalker 3 actually had the proper experimental license from the FCC to do this or not, and people posted ITU SNL filings and FCC applications. I didn’t track all of this in detail, so I don’t have a well informed opinion about whether BlueWalker 3 is following the regulations correctly.

A month ago, I looked at the UHF packets and checked that BlueWalker 3 used exactly the same modulation and coding as Light-1, which is a 3U cubesat from United Arab Emirates (this was first discovered by Tetsurou Satou JA0CAW). The framing contains the typical elements of the built-in packet handler of low cost FSK chips such as the Texas Instruments CC11xx family. Scott Tilley noticed some details that seem to explain this connection: Light-1 was built by NanoAvionics, which apparently has collaborated with AST SpaceMobile in the BlueWalker 3 mission. Therefore, it seems that the satellite bus used by BlueWalker 3 is that of a typical cubesat.

BlueWalker 3 also transmits in S-band, at a frequency of 2245 MHz. Scott Tilley has been doing some observations of this signal and sharing some recordings. Aang254 has been analysing the signal and remarks that it’s mostly idle data. In this post I’ll do an analysis of the BlueWalker 3 S-band signal using two recordings made by Scott.

Blockstream Satellite: decoding Bitcoin transactions

In my previous post I wrote about the protocols used by Blockstream Satellite. This was motivated by a challenge in GRCon22’s CTF. In that challenge, muad’dib sent the flag as a Blockstream API message and recorded the Blockstream Satellite DVB-S2 downlink as the message was broadcast. The recording was used as the IQ file for the challenge.

In my post, I gave a look at how all the protocol stack for the Blockstream API works: DVB-S2, MPE, IPv4, UDP, plus a custom protocol that supports fragmentation and application-level FEC. However, I didn’t give any details about how the protocols used to broadcast the Bitcoin blockchain work. This runs on another UDP port, independently of the Blockstream API. At that time I didn’t understand much about it, even though during the CTF I was trying to search for the flag in a Bitcoin transaction and looking at the source code of bitcoinsatellite to try to figure out how it worked.

After my previous post, Igor Freire commented some details of the FEC used in bitcoinsatellite. This is quite interesting by itself. Two FEC libraries by Chris Taylor are used: the Wirehair O(N) fountain code for larger blocks, and the CM256 MDS code based on Cauchy matrices over GF(256) (this is very similar to Reed-Solomon used as erasure coding). This motivated me to continue studying how all this works.

Now I have been able decode the Bitcoin transactions in the CTF recording. These don’t use any FEC, since transactions are small. I believe that there aren’t any blocks fully contained in the 35 second recording, so to see how the FEC codes work (which could be quite interesting) I would need a longer recording.

In this post I’ll show how to decode the Bitcoin transaction in Blockstream Satellite. The materials can be found in this repository.