
I devote a large part of my limited free time to the activities you can see in this blog. I am perfectly happy with this, since I consider this blog a very important part in my adventure of learning new and wonderful things.

However, there are also more tangible costs besides time and effort: buying hardware (SDRs, RF hardware, test equipment, etc.) and paying for the website hosting, among others.

If you wish to contribute to the upkeep of this blog and activities by donating, you can do so using the information below. Or maybe you found useful something in this blog and you want to “buy me a beer” (actually I don’t drink!). If you have donated and want your name and an optional link to your website added to the supporters list, please send me an email.

Another way to support my open source work is through the Github sponsors program.

I may be able to receive donations in other forms not listed here. I am also happy to accept donations of hardware. For any of this, please contact me at daniel@destevez.


Github sponsors

See my Github sponsors page.