On Sunday March 2, Firefly Aerospace’s Blue Ghost Mission 1 successfully landed on Mare Crisium, becoming the first NASA CLPS mission to perform a fully successful lunar landing. Congratulations to all the team at Firefly for this huge achievement.
In this post I do a quick analysis of the Doppler of the signal received at Bochum and Dwingeloo. Part of the goal of this is to try to answer a question of Jonathan McDowell, who asked if it was possible to determine the exact second of the touchdown from this data. The answer is that this is probably not possible, since for a soft touchdown there is no significant acceleration at touchdown that can be identified in the Doppler curve.
The raw IQ data recorded by AMSAT-DL is not publicly available. The data recorded by CAMRAS can be found here.
Some weeks ago, I presented at FOSDEM my work-in-progress high performance SDR runtime qsdr. I showed a hand-written NEON assembly implementation of a kernel that computes \(y[n] = ax[n] + b\), which I used as the basic math block for benchmarks on a Kria KV260 board (which has a quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 at 1.33 GHz). In that talk I glossed over the details of how I implemented this NEON kernel. There are enough tricks and considerations that I could make a full talk just out of explaining how to write this kernel. This will be the topic for this post.
Since some time, I’ve been thinking about doing something similar to my posts about LTE and 5G NR, but for WiFi (IEEE 802.11). In these posts, I take a signal recording and write a Jupyter notebook from scratch to analyze the signal and decode the data. I use these posts as a way of learning all the details of how these standards work, and I have seen that some people find them very useful.
Recently I was taking a look at a baby monitor camera system, composed by a camera and a monitor screen, since I was curious about how the camera transmits the video. Using Maia SDR, I located the signal at 866 MHz and realized that both the camera and the monitor screen were transmitting OFDM packets of approximately 2 MHz of bandwidth on this frequency. With some cyclostationary analysis, I found that the subcarrier spacing was 31.25 kHz (which works out to be 2 MHz / 64 FFT points), and that the cyclic prefix was 1/4 of the useful symbol duration. This pointed me straight to IEEE 802.11ah (WiFi HaLow), a variant of WiFi designed for the 800 MHz and 900 MHz license-exempt bands. After comparing the packet formats on the 802.11ah standard with the waterfall of my recording, I was sure that this was indeed 802.11ah. What started as a fun and short signal recording experiment has ended up going through the rabbit hole of implementing 802.11ah decoding from scratch in a Jupyter notebook. In this post I explain my implementation and the analysis of this recording.
Some weeks ago I reported about an apoapsis raise manoeuvre done by Tianwen-1, the Chinese Mars orbiter. This has now happened again. Using state vectors from the telemetry decoded with the 20 m antenna in Bochum observatory by AMSAT-DL, we have detected an apoapsis raise manoeuvre done on 2025-01-08. This new apoapsis raise is much larger than the previous one. I have done the same kind of calculations as in the previous post, and also corrected a bug in my Keplerian elements plots (the periapsis and apoapsis passings were being paired incorrectly, which caused the SMA and eccentricity not to change in the plots I did in the previous post).
For a long time, AMSAT-DL has been using the 20 meter antenna in Bochum observatory to receive some telemetry from Tianwen-1, the Chinese Mars orbiter, almost daily. Since the telemetry includes the spacecraft’s state vectors, we can use this to monitor the spacecraft’s orbit. In 8 November 2021, Tianwen-1 entered its remote sensing orbit. This is an elliptical orbit with a period approximately 2/7 Mars sidereal days plus 170 seconds. This causes a ground track that is almost repeating, but drifts slowly to cover all the surface area of the planet.
I have been posting yearly updates about Tianwen-1’s orbit, the last of them this summer. In these updates, we can see that no manoeuvres have happened, and the changes in the Keplerian elements correspond to orbital perturbations caused by external forces. The orbit is in fact designed to cause the latitude of the periapsis to precess. In this way, all the surface of Mars can be scanned from low altitude.
Now we have some news. In the telemetry of the last few days we have detected that Tianwen-1 has raised its apoapsis radius from about 14134 km to 14489 km. All the data we have indicates that a propulsive burn has happened recently. In this post I give the details about this apoapsis raise manoeuvre.
This post is a continuation of my series about the 5G NR RAN. In these posts, I’m analyzing a recording of the downlink of an srsRAN gNB in a Jupyter notebook written from scratch. In this post I will show how to decode the PBCH (physical broadcast channel). The PBCH contains the MIB (master information block). It is transmitted in the SSB (synchronization signals / PBCH block). After detecting and measuring the synchronization signals, a UE must decode the PBCH to obtain the MIB, which contains some parameters which are essential to decode other physical downlink channels, including the PDSCH (physical downlink shared channel), which transmits the SIBs (system information blocks).
In my first post in the series, I already demodulated the PBCH. Therefore, in this post I will continue from there and show how to decode the MIB from the PBCH symbols. First I will give a summary of the encoding process. Decoding involves undoing each of these steps. Then I will show in detail how the decoding procedure works.
You might remember that back in July I made a recording of the DME ground-to-air and air-to-ground frequencies for a nearby VOR-DME station. In that post, I performed a preliminary analysis of the recording. I mentioned that I was interested in measuring the delay between the signals received directly from the aircraft and the ground transponder replies, and match these to the aircraft trajectories. This post is focused on that kind of study. I will present a GNU Radio out-of-tree module gr-dme that I have written to detect and measure DME pulses, and show a Jupyter notebook where I match aircraft pulses with their corresponding ground transponder replies and compare the delays to those calculated from the aircraft positions given in ADS-B data.
This year I submitted a track of challenges called “Not-LoRa” to the GRCon 2024 Capture The Flag. The idea driving this challenge was to take some analog voice signals and apply chirp spread spectrum modulation to them. Solving the challenge would require the participants to identify the chirp parameters and dechirp the signal. This idea also provided the possibility of hiding weak signals that are below the noise floor until they are dechirped, which is a good way to add harder flags. This blog post is an in-depth explanation of the challenge. I have put the materials for this challenge in this Github repository.
To give participants a context they might already be familiar with, I took the chirp spread spectrum parameters from several common LoRa modulations. These ended up being 125 kHz SF9, SF11 and SF7. LoRa is somewhat popular within the open source SDR community, and often there are LoRa challenges or talks in GRCon. This year was no exception, with a Meshtastic packet in the Signal Identification 7 challenge, and talks about gr-lora_sdr and Meshtastic_SDR.
DME (distance measuring equipment) is an aircraft radio navigation system that is used to measure the distance between an aircraft and a DME station on ground. DME is often colocated with a VOR station, in which case the VOR provides the bearing information. DME works by measuring the two-way time of flight of pulse pairs, which are first transmitted by the aircraft, then retransmitted with a fixed delay by the ground station, which acts as a transponder, and finally received back by the aircraft. DME operates between 960 and 1215 MHz. It is channelized in steps of 1 MHz, and the air-to-ground and ground-to-air frequencies always differ by 63 MHz (here is a list of all the frequency channels).
I want to write a post explaining in detail how DME works by analysing a recording of DME that contains both the air-to-ground and the ground-to-air channels. Among other things, I want to show that the delay between the aircraft and ground station pulses matches the one calculated using the aircraft position (which I can get from ADS-B data on the internet), the ground station position, the position of the recorder, and the fixed delay applied by the ground station transponder.
Recording two channels 63 MHz apart is tricky with the kind of SDRs I have. Devices based on the AD9361 technically support a maximum sample rate of 61.44 Msps (although some people are running it at up to 122.88 Msps). The LMS7002M, which is used by the LimeSDR and other SDRs, is an interesting alternative, for two reasons. First, it supports more than 61.44 Msps. However, it isn’t clear what is the maximum sample rate supported by the LimeSDR. Some sources, including the LimeSDR webpage mention 61.44 MHz bandwidth, but the LMS7002M datasheet says that the maximum RF modulation bandwidth (whatever that means) through the digital interface in SISO mode is 96 MHz. In the case of the LimeSDR there is also the limitation of the USB3 data rate, but this should not be a problem if we use only 1 RX channel. I haven’t found clear information about the limitations of each of the components of the LMS7002M (ADC max sample rate, etc.).
The second interesting feature is that the LMS7002M has a DDC on the chip. The AD9361 has a series of decimating filters to reduce the ADC sample rate and deliver a lower sample rate through the digital interface. The LMS7002M, in addition to this, has an NCO and digital mixer that can be be used to apply a frequency shift to the ADC IQ signal before decimation.
I had two different ideas about how to use the LimeSDR to record the two DME channels. The first idea consisted in using a 70 Msps output sample rate. For this I used an ADC sample rate of 140 Msps, because I think it is necessary to have at least decimation by 2 after the ADC (the LMS7200M documentation does not explain this clearly, so figuring out how to use the chip often involves some trial and error using LimeSuiteGUI). This idea had two problems. The first problem is that some CGEN PLL occasionally failed to lock when using an ADC sample rate of 140 Msps. However the LimeSuite driver retried multiple times until the PLL locked, so in practice this wasn’t a problem. This approach worked well on my desktop PC, since in 70 Msps I had the two DME channels and then I could use GNU Radio to extract each of the two channels (for instance with the Frequency Xlating FIR Filter). However, the laptop I planned to use to record on the field couldn’t keep up with 70 Msps.
The second idea was to use the on-chip DDC in the LMS7200M to extract the DME channel and deliver a much lower sample rate over the digital interface. The figure below shows how the LMS7200M digital signal processing datapath works. This datapath is called RXTSP. The RXI and RXQ signals are the digital signals coming from the ADC (here and below, by ADC I mean a dual-channel ADC, since the LMS7002M is a zero-if IQ transceiver). The RYI and RYQ are the signals delivered to the digital interface of the chip. Since the LMS7200M has two RX channels, there are two identical chains, one for each channel. The parameters of each chain can be programmed completely independently.
LMS7200M digital signal processing, extracted from the datasheet
There is no way of sending the signal of one ADC to the two RXTSPs. The connection between each ADC and its corresponding RXTSP is fixed. Therefore, we need to feed in the antenna signal through the two RX channels, but we can easily do this with an external splitter. Remember that both of the LMS7200M RX channels share the same LO, as illustrated by the block diagram below. So the point here is to tune the LO to a frequency between the two DME channels, set the sample rate high enough that both DME channels are present in the ADC output, and finally to use each of the two RXTSPs to extract one of the DME channels, sending it at a low sample rate through the digital interface.
LMS7200M block diagram, extracted from the datasheet
This approach has worked quite well. I have set the ADC to 80 Msps and used the RXTSPs to dowconvert and decimate the DME channels to 2.5 Msps, recording that data directly in GNU Radio.
This post belongs to my series about LTE. In the LTE uplink, the PUSCH (physical uplink shared channel) is the channel used to trasmit data from the UEs (phones) to the eNB (base station). It plays a role analogous to the PDSCH (physical downlink shared channel), which is used to transmit data in the downlink. In this post I will decode the PUSCH in a recording that I made of my phone uplink a couple years ago.
The PUSCH uses the same kind of techniques as the PDSCH for transport block coding, so all the Turbo code implementation and related algorithms from my post about the PDSCH will be re-used here. However, there is an important difference between the PDSCH and the PUSCH that makes decoding the PUSCH much harder. The LTE downlink is, in a certain sense, a self-descriptive signal. The UEs don’t know in advance the configuration that will be used to transmit each transport block in the PDSCH, because the eNB decides it on the fly. Therefore, the eNB announces PDSCH transmissions in the PDCCH (physical downlink control channel).
When I decoded the PDCCH and PDSCH, the only slightly clever thing that I had to do was to find the RNTIs (radio network temporary indicators). These are 16-bit numbers that are used to address each PDSCH transmission. There are some of them which are statically allocated to some broadcast purpose (SI-RNTI, P-RNTI, RA-RNTI), and the C-RNTIs, which are individually assigned to each UE. The CRC-16 of the PDCCH DCIs is XORed with the RNTI to which the transmission is addressed. At any time, a UE knows the set of RNTIs that it is monitoring, so it calculates the CRC-16 of the received DCI, computes its XOR with each of its assigned RNTIs, and compares the result with the CRC-16 in the DCI. If there is a match, the DCI is accepted. This is a way of filtering out messages without spending additional bits to put the RNTI in a field in the DCI.
When we are monitoring an LTE downlink, we don’t know which RNTIs are being used. With some cleverness, if the SNR is good enough, we can detect and select each PDCCH transmission by hand (it is necessary to guess the REGs that it occupies and the DCI length) and then, assuming that we have decoded the DCI with no bit errors, obtain the RNTI as the XOR of the calculated CRC and the received CRC. This is what I did in the post about the PDCCH. If we were monitoring the LTE downlink for a longer time, this trick wouldn’t even be necessary. The C-RNTIs assigned to the UEs are communicated to them in a RAR transmitted with the RA-RNTI, as a response to their PRACH (see the post where I analyze this in Wireshark). So a downlink monitor application can simply watch the SI-RNTI, P-RNTI and RA-RNTI, and add any C-RNTIs to a list of known connected UEs when it sees a RAR. The C-RNTIs can be removed from this list after a period of inactivity, because the UE would have been sent to the idle state by the network. This idea really shows that it is possible to decode everything in the LTE downlink without doing clever blind decoding tricks.
In contrast, the LTE uplink is not self-descriptive. The eNB defines the configuration of each PUSCH transmission when it sends the uplink grant to the UE. So the UE doesn’t need to communicate this configuration again to the eNB when it transmits in the PUSCH. The information that describes the PUSCH transmissions is effectively in the PDCCH in the downlink, and in this case I don’t have a recording of the downlink that matches my uplink recording. This makes decoding the PUSCH much more difficult, but nevertheless not impossible. With some clever ideas and blind decoding tricks we can usually find all the information we’re missing. In the rest of this post, I describe how to do this in detail. It will be long and quite technical.