I have implemented an FPGA DDC (digital downconverter) in Maia SDR. Intuitively speaking, a DDC is used to select a slice of the input spectrum. It works by using an NCO and mixer to move to the centre of the slice to baseband, and then applying low-pass filtering and decimation to reduce the sample rate as desired (according to the bandwidth of the slice that is selected).

At the moment, the output of the Maia SDR DDC can be used as input for the waterfall display (which uses a spectrometer that runs in the FPGA) and the IQ recorder. Using the DDC allows reaching sample rates below 2083.333 ksps, which is the minimum sample rate that can be used with the AD936x RFIC in the ADALM Pluto (at least according to the ad9361 Linux kernel module). Therefore, the DDC is useful to monitor or record narrowband signals. For instance, using a sample rate of 48 ksps, the 400 MiB RAM buffer used by the IQ recorder can be used to make a recording as long as 36 minutes in 16-bit integer mode, or 48 minutes in 12-bit integer mode. With such a sample rate, the 4096-point FFT used in the waterfall has a resolution of 11.7 Hz.

In the future, the DDC will be used by receivers implemented on the FPGA, both for analogue voice signals (SSB, AM, FM), and for digital signals. Additionally, I also have plans to allow streaming the DDC IQ output over the network, so that Maia SDR can be used with an SDR application running on a host computer. It is possible to fit several DDCs in the Pluto FPGA, so this would allow tuning independently several receivers within the same window of 61.44 MHz of spectrum. In the rest of this post I describe some technical details of the DDC.

An update about my Rust implementation of Galileo OSNMA

Galileo OSNMA (Open Service Navigation Message Authentication) is a service in the Galileo GNSS that allows receivers to authenticate cryptographically the navigation data transmitted in the Open Service signal. This is one of the mechanisms to avoid spoofing that are being deployed in Galileo. Currently, OSNMA is in its Public Observation Test Phase. Two years ago I presented a Rust library called galileo-osnma that implements OSNMA and includes some demo software for a small microcontroller, and also a PC CLI application. Since then, some breaking changes have happened in the format of the OSNMA signal-in-space, which have required updates in galileo-osnma. I have also implemented some new features. This post is an update about the current status of my galileo-osnma library and the OSNMA test phase.

ssdv-fec: an erasure FEC for SSDV implemented in Rust

Back in May I proposed an erasure FEC scheme for SSDV. The SSDV protocol is used in amateur radio to transmit JPEG files split in packets, in such a way that losing some packets only cases the loss of pieces of the image, instead of a completely corrupted file. My erasure FEC augments the usual SSDV packets with additional FEC packets. Any set of \(k\) received packets is sufficient to recover the full image, where \(k\) is the number of packets in the original image. An almost limitless amount of distinct FEC packets can be generated on the fly as required.

I have now written a Rust implementation of this erasure FEC scheme, which I have called ssdv-fec. This implementation has small microcontrollers in mind. It is no_std (it doesn’t use the Rust standard library nor libc), does not perform any dynamic memory allocations, and works in-place as much as possible to reduce the memory footprint. As an example use case of this implementation, it is bundled as a static library with a C-like API for ARM Cortex-M4 microcontrollers. This might be used in the AMSAT-DL ERMINAZ PocketQube mission, and it is suitable for other small satellites. There is also a simple CLI application to perform encoding and decoding on a PC.

ldpc-toolbox gets LDPC decoding

Recently I have implemented an FPGA LDPC decoder for a commercial project. The belief propagation LDPC decoder algorithm admits many different approximations in the arithmetic, and other tricks that can be used to trade off between decoding sensitivity (BER versus Eb/N0 performance) and computational complexity. To help me benchmark the different belief propagation algorithms, I have extended my ldpc-toolbox project to implement many different LDPC decoding algorithms and perform BER simulations.

ldpc-toolbox is a Rust library and command line tool for the design of LDPC codes. I initially created this project when I was trying to design a suitable LDPC code for a narrowband 32APSK modem to be used over the QO-100 amateur GEO transponder. The tool so far supported some classical pseudorandom constructions of LDPC codes, computed Tanner graph girths, and could construct the alists for all the DVB-S2 and CCSDS LDPC codes. Extending this tool to support LDPC encoding, decoding and BER simulation is a natural step.

Maia SDR

I’m happy to announce the release of Maia SDR, an open-source FPGA-based SDR project focusing on the ADALM Pluto. The first release provides a firmware image for the Pluto with the following functionality:

  • Web-based interface that can be accessed from a smartphone, PC or other device.
  • Real-time waterfall display supporting up to 61.44 Msps (limit given by the AD936x RFIC of the Pluto).
  • IQ recording in SigMF format, at up to 61.44 Msps and with a 400 MiB maximum data size (limit given by the Pluto RAM size). Recordings can be downloaded to a smartphone or other device.

A Rust implementation of Galileo OSNMA

Galileo OSNMA (Open Service Navigation Message Authentication) is a protocol that will allow Galileo GNSS receivers to authenticate cryptographically the navigation data that is broadcast by Galileo satellites. The system is currently in a public test phase and according to the roadmap it will begin the initial service in 2023.

This month I have spent some time working in a new Rust library that implements the receiver-side processing of OSNMA. The library is called galileo-osnma. Although there are still some features that are not implemented, and some other future ideas that I have for this library, it has already reached a point where I feel it can be released and used by others. In its present state it is already able to perform all the steps that are needed to check all the OSNMA authentication data that is currently being transmitted by the satellites during the test phase. The library is licensed under a permissive open source license (Apache + MIT, which is common in the Rust ecosystem).

LDPC code design for my QO-100 narrowband modem

A couple months ago I presented my work-in-progress design for a data modem intended to be used through the QO-100 NB transponder. The main design goal for this modem is to give the maximum data rate possible in a 2.7 kHz channel at 50 dB·Hz CN0. For the physical layer I settled on an RRC-filtered single-carrier modulation with 32APSK data symbols and an interleaved BPSK pilot sequence for synchronization. Simulation and over-the-air tests of this modulation showed good performance. The next step was designing an appropriate FEC.

Owing to the properties of the synchronization sequence, a natural size for the FEC codewords of this modem is 7595 bits (transmitted in 1519 data symbols). The modem uses a baudrate of 2570 baud, so at 50 dB·Hz CN0 the Es/N0 is 15.90 dB. In my previous post I considered using an LDPC code with a rate of 8/9 or 9/10 for FEC, taking as a reference the target Es/N0 performance of the DVB-S2 MODCODs. After some performing some simulations, it turns out that 9/10 is a bit too high with 7595 bit codewords (the DVB-S2 normal FECFRAMEs are 64800 bits long, giving a lower LDPC decoding threshold). Therefore, I’ve settled on trying to design a good rate 8/9 FEC. At this rate, the Eb/N0 is 9.42 dB.