
2025-03-08, MicroMeet 2025, Presente y futuro de las microondas de radioaficionados. PDF slides (in Spanish).

2025-02-01, FOSDEM 2025, Yet another new SDR runtime?. PDF slides.

2024-08-29, European GNU Radio Days 2024, gr4-packet-modem: a QPSK packet modem for GNU Radio 4.0. PDF slides.

2024-02-17, MicroMeet 2024, Técnicas de observación en Radioastronomía. PDF slides (in Spanish).

2024-02-04, FOSDEM 2024, Maia SDR: an open-source FPGA-based project for AD936x+Zynq radios. PDF slides.

2023-09-18, AMSAT-DL Symposium 2023, Amateur Decoding of Deep Space Missions. PDF slides.

2023-06-24, Software Defined Radio Academy 2023, Maia SDR: An open-source FPGA-based SDR project focusing on the ADALM Pluto. PDF slides.

2023-05-30, A Sign in Space workshop, Decoding and Signal Processing, with Wael Farah.

2023-03-17, JPL Amateur Radio Club, Amateur Decoding of Deep Space Missions. PDF slides.

2022-10-08, AMSAT UK International Space Colloquium, gr-satellites and related experiments. PDF slides.

2022-02-06, FOSDEM 2022, Voyager 1 adventures. PDF slides.

2021-10-30, Space and Satellite Symposium – The Role of Information Theory in Space with Special Emphasis on Amateur Radio and Amateur Satellite, online, 32APSK Narrowband Modem for the QO-100 GEO Amateur Radio Transponder. Youtube recording. PDF slides.

2021-09-22, GNU Radio Conference 2021, Charlotte and online, workshop: GNU Radio on the Allen Telescope Array (with Steve Croft and Wael Farah). Recording to be published.

2021-09-22, GNU Radio Conference 2021, Charlotte and online, Deep space reception by AMSAT-DL. Youtube recording. PDF slides.

2021-06-24, European GNU Radio Days 2021, Solution to the conference challenge. Solution material.

2021-06-21, Decoding MIR-SAT1 with gr-satellites, short demo in collaboration with UNOOSA for their Access To Space For All programme.

2021-04-17, EUCARA 2021, Polarimetric Interferometry at the Allen Telescope Array. PDF slides.

2021-02-28, MicroMeet 2021, GNU Radio en el Allen Telescope Array. PDF slides (in Spanish).

2021-02-07, FOSDEM 2021, gr-satellites project update. PDF slides.

2020-10-11, AMSAT-UK online Colloquium 2020, Decoding Mars spacecraft: bits and pieces you can learn from spacecraft telemetry. PDF slides.

2020-09-26, AMSAT-DL Online Satellite Symposium, Reception of the recently launched probes to Mars, with Paul Marsh and Achim Vollhardt.

2020-09-14, GNU Radio Conference 2020, online, Workshop: Decoding Interplanetary Spacecraft, (see also workshop materials).

2020-07-05, gr-satellites guidance, online session with the BeliefSat-1 student team of K. J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering and Information Technology (India) about the use of gr-satellites.

2020-03-03, Curso de Picosatélites y Servicio de Radioaficionados por Satélite, ETSIT UPM, Madrid, Introducción a sistemas de comunicaciones para picosatélites: “por favor no uséis AX.25”. PDF slides.

2020-02-02, FOSDEM 2020, Brussels, gr-satellites latest developments (includes recording and slides).

2019-10-20, 2nd Technology Forum on Students Micro/nano-satellites, Harbin, Amateur VLBI with DSLWP-B. PDF slides.

2019-10-19, 2nd Technology Forum on Students Micro/nano-satellites, Harbin, gr-satellites: A collection of GNU Radio decoders for Amateur satellites. PDF slides.

2019-09-18, GNU Radio Conference 2019, Huntsville, gr-satellites: a collection of decoders for Amateur satellites. PDF slides.

2019-09-03, United Nations/Austria Symposium: “Space: a Tool for Accessibility, Diplomacy and Cooperation”, Graz, The use of gr-satellites to receive the Kenyan satellite 1KUNS-PF. PDF slides.

2019-04-06, STARcon 2019, Madrid, Interferometría Amateur con el satélite lunar DSLWP-B. PDF slides.

2018-09-15, IberRadio, Ávila, DSLWP-B: el satélite Amateur en órbita lunar (with English slides DSLWP-B: the Amateur satellite in lunar orbit). Spanish PDF slides and English PDF slides.

2018-04-21, STARcon 2018, Murcia, Satélites Amateur: proyectos en curso e ideas futuras. PDF slides.

2018-03-03, FAQin congress, Madrid, Reverse Engineering Outernet: a look to the past and future. PDF slides.

2017-11-18, Congreso FEDI-EA, Sabadell, ¿Recuperar la tecnología propia de los radioaficionados es posible?. PDF slides.

2017-09-16, IberRadio, Ávila, Decodificación de satélites digitales. PDF slides.

2017-09-16, IberRadio, Ávila, Linrad: qué es, estructura, funcionamiento y ajuste de filtros. PDF slides.

2016-12-27, 33C3, Hamburg, Reverse engineering Outernet (also in Youtube). PDF slides.