Happy New Year! To celebrate, I have put together a list of RF recordings. Over the last few years, and specially since the start of the collaboration between GNU Radio and SETI Institute, I have been publishing a number of RF recordings in Zenodo. The search function of Zenodo is not very good, and I thought that readers of this blog would find useful to have a list of all the recordings I have published. The list of recordings can be accessed here and in the website menu, under “Publications“.
I have also published an excerpt of the recording of James Webb Space Telescope that I did on December 26. This is just the first 25 minutes of the recording, so that both polarizations fit into maximum 50 GB of a Zenodo dataset. The sample rate is still 3.84 Msps, so the sequential ranging tones are present in these files. The dataset is called “James Webb Space Telescope S-band recording with Allen Telescope Array (wideband excerpt)“. In some days I will also publish a decimated version (containing the telemetry but not the ranging tones) of the full recording.
Update 2022-01-03: I have now published the full recording decimated to 320 ksps. This is available in the dataset “James Webb Space Telescope S-band recording with Allen Telescope Array (320 kHz bandwidth)“.