Short Bio

I am an Amateur Radio operator (Spanish callsign EA4GPZ, UK callsign M0HXM) and I am especially interested in the scientific and technical aspects of radio.
I hold a PhD in Mathematics and a BSc in Computer Science from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. The topic of my PhD thesis was Operator Theory. It can be read online here. Though I still enjoy pure mathematics and I like solving mathematical problems, I hardly do any research in mathematics these days.
Currently, I’m working as a freelance consultant/contractor in spacecraft communications, digital signal processing, SDR, and related topics.
My research interests encompass anything having to do with radio, even if only tangentially. Some of my usual topics involve space communications (especially small satellites), using RF for the purposes of measurement (radar, Doppler measurements, polarization, etc.), and processing RF recordings to extract data. I usually perform my research rather informally, since I do it in my free time for fun and personal development. Additionally, I’m interested in some other loosely related topics such as orbital dynamics and radioastronomy. I also like applying advanced mathematics to these problems.
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Key fingerprint: A718 425B BA6A 583A D151 EEC3 DB53 0987 B942 99D2